Produk Solar Jalanraya We sell traffic cones, solar flashing arrow, giant solar flashing arrow, flagman robot with charger, solar chevron, solar chevron panel, solar obstruction marker/bridge panel, solar flashing guide board light, solar warning light/amber light, reflective discs, string delineator, blinkers, barrier, speed bumps, corner guards and parking blocks, solar variable message sign (VMS), temporary signboards (REAM/LLM standards), safety signs, traffic signs, highway signboards and road signboards. We also rent out JKR Signboard, Highway Signboard, Directional Signboard & Temporary Safety Equipment. MKH Traffic & Road Engineering Works offers best reasonable prices, efficient delivery with good services. We ensure our equipment meets the highest standards and regulations given the rapid growth of safety awareness. Call or WhatsApp us for further information at +60162449730 or email us at: